UNITI EXPO 2024 exhibition in Stuttgart, Germany
From 14 to 16 May 2024, TATSUNO EUROPE a.s. exhibited its products at the international exhibition UNITI EXPO 2024 in Stuttgart, Germany.At the TATSUNO stand it was possible to see:
- Functional prototype of the new OCEAN TOWER LNG dispenser - with new PDEX5 electronic counter, customer and technology display and safe filling hose reel.
- Hydrogen dispenser LUMINOUS H2 - dispenser in H70 design and flow rate 10.8 kg/min., manufacturer - Tatsuno Corporation (Japan)
- Combined dispenser OCEAN TOWER series with a payment terminal - a combination of petrol and CNG with a new version of the multimedia display
- Representative of the new series of fuel dispensers SHARK ISLAND, version 2100mm - economical version of the dispenser with easy maintenance.
- New vacuum cleaner and compressor for inflating passenger car tires at gas stations - both with mechanical (ON/OFF button) or electronic control (display), with payment using coins, credit cards or using a data line at the station cash desk (POS).





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